Archive for December, 2009


Turn off the TV Tuesday!!

Click here to Turn off the TV!!


If I could recap 2009, most of it would look like this.


About Jesus’ birthday…

I started a hash mark (hash mark the history, tweet deck the mystery) on Twitter the day of Jesus (celebrated) birthday. Here are just a handful of the funny responses that I got. Thanks to Jovi for the idea. Look forward to her recap of your next major award show on

From Stephanie:  “18 to dip, 21 to sip”

From @twopointoh: About #jesusbirthdayparty, I wonder if it was open bar…Jesus paid it all.

From @FutureDocWA: i think I made the VIP grace &mercy list

From @twopointoh: bout #jesusbirthdayparty, they played “Have a baby by me baby, still be a virgin

From @MTF: About #Jesusbirthdayparty, you think Lazarus did some Stand Up? #punswild

From @twopointoh: About birthdays, you think they ever threw Jesus a surprise party, or did he always find out somehow? #Jesusbirthdayparty

Clearly, I think I am funny. Do it for yourself. I do.


Turn off the TV (The Pilot ) is on demand now!!!

CLICK TOTV to hear the first channel

off of the revolutionary sitcom mixtape Turn off the TV!

A Sitcom Mixtape

“Because even if you weren’t watching, I’d be doing this anyway.” -George “2.0” Twopointoh

[Fall 2009]— Packaged in a series of songs, short skits, commercials, and voicemail messages, Turn off the TV (TOTV) suggests that anybody and everybody can do what they see on television, as long as they turn it off long enough to be proactive about chasing their dreams. As all of the music and videos inspired by the mixtape were developed, recorded, shot, and edited with a Laptop, cell phone, or an improvised audio/video device, TOTV posits that artists of any age and skill level can produce competitive content with little to no resources.

Turn off the TV is an approximately 40-minute sitcom mixtape that ushers in a new wave of expression and appeals to a population that is encouraged by the possibility of being as successful in their field of endeavor as those they see on television. Turn off the TV is a lifestyle soundtrack that gives legitimacy to an already burgeoning network of bloggers, tweeters, rappers and readers. As an example of what can happen when one takes the time that they would spend watching television and instead use it to develop original content and subsequent programming, Turn off the TV argues that television is no longer the fastest, most reliable source for information or entertainment.

“Television: chewing gum for the eyes.”
~Frank Lloyd Wright

It is no secret that the Laptop is the new television screen. As an extension, audio and video software come standard on most new computers and cell phones and more often than not news stories are developed based upon footage shot on a cell phone in lieu of a more professional tool.

Whereas in the past the major networks and premium cable channels served as trustees of information and entertainment, now internet content custodians serve as cultural stewards of the search engine. They are managers who keep track of trending topics and viewer patterns, which they, in turn, use to attract consumers by tagging their content with popular search terms. It is this process of turning off the TV that allows for an immediate and vastly more interactive experience between the artist and their audience than that television, itself, can provide.

As a motivational tool, TOTV is the audio contention that one does not need the TV to become whatever they want to be. While giving kids of all ages good reason to Turn off the TV, this project also seeks to inspire them to believe in themselves. This is perhaps the most important component of the sitcom mixtape. When an artist develops the ability to produce art “even if people weren’t watching”, they no longer fall victim to the pitfalls of peer pressure and criticism, and subsequently become responsible curators of the culture; a culture that is theirs to maintain and pass on.

Conceived by George Twopointoh, an actor, writer, producer, and short form film maker, TOTV, is an episodic journey that chronicles one man’s efforts to convince the world that the “TV has [them] trapped.” With the release of this project, “2.0” seeks to inspire a new generation of media that is not reliant upon the television. It is through the sitcom mixtape “Turn off the TV” that the world will learn to be unafraid to tell their stories…even if nobody is listening.


We’re throwing a party on New Year’s Eve…Eve.

Most birthday parties start late or end early.
Most birthday parties aren’t held at a secret speakeasy with a password entry.
Most birthday parties don’t have a toast at midnight that makes everyone feel like kissing.
Most birthday parties don’t have a countdown that makes you feel like it’s New Year’s already.
Most birthday parties aren’t held in New York City on the eve of New Year’s Eve.

This is not most birthday parties.
This is a celebration.
This is a tradition.
This is a must.

Please, no fur (House Rule)
Please, no inhibition (Party Rule)
Please, no less than your best (Style Rules)

For this night, let’s be slick.
Let’s dress slick.
Let’s drink and let the photos tell the story.
if you are in New York, hit me up for the details.


Gavin, my God-nephew (l), So So, my “cousin” (r), and Gabriel, my Godson (c)

both boys intials are GAP…Just like mine!!


My Aunt Sarah turned 106yrs old!!!!!!

Surely you have seen my video of my Aunt Sarah. Well if you haven’t there it is (click on video), but recently while sitting around the Christmas Tree my mother reminded me that a story on Aunt Sarah had been televised on our local new program. I grew up watching Action News, so to hear Jim Gardner and Nora Muchanik talking about MY Aunt Sarah…well, it is a blessing to say the least. Below is the youtube stream of Action News’ celebration of Aunt Sarah’s birthday.

Interested in living to 106yrs old, ladies? Check out Aunt Sarah’s facebook page.


Christmas at the Peters’ House

Thanks to the magic of text messaging @KPLilFame spent Christmas with us AND you.

A Family that Prays together, stays together…

My mother gets emotional when she reads my cards.

My dad got a laptop, so maybe he will let me sleep in later. (as opposed to coming into my room at 7am to get on the net)

…and just in case you thought I didn’t get my wild pants fetish honestly. This is my uncle, he is 83yrs old.


About Jesus’ Birthday

I woke up this morning in a house that has not one but THREE Christmas trees, and underneath all of them are presents. I woke up to the smell of coffee and cookies, cakes and brownies. In the middle of the night, I woke to pray and thank God for the ability to purchase gifts for my loved ones. As I sneaked through the house to gather all of my gifts from their hiding places, I stepped over family members wrapped in warm blankets and closed the bedroom doors of three generations of healthy loved ones. I stoked the fire and checked to make sure the Christmas lights were still glowing beneath the mountains of snow outside; mountains of snow which did not prevent me from making it home to where my childhood house was still standing, unaffected.

Last night extended, non blood-related family descended upon our Christmas Eve celebration, defined by our love for one another and nothing else. Today, my blood relatives will arrive in droves to enjoy our traditional Steak and Seafood feast and share in the tradition of our Pollyanna. We will laugh, we will sing, we will be humbled by this day that the Lord has made.

Today, concentrate on spending time with your family and not on the money you spent. God will provide that. Today is proof of that provision, for unto us a son WAS given.

What a wonderful counselor, what a King, what peace, what a sacrifice, what a price, Oh what a foretaste of Glory divine.

Happy Birthday Jesus. Only you give gifts on YOUR birthday.

I woke up this morning to celebrate the birth of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ.


It’s a Wrap!!

Watch what one Improv Troupe got their friend Louie for Christmas…it only took them 8hours!!!


$15 for 15

This year for Christmas, I think I am going to do my best to concentrate on GIVING rather than SPENDING. I know you don’t care because I don’t normally get you a Christmas gift anyway. Last year I got my dad a garage door opener, automatic free installation included. Why? Well the old one had a motor in it that died and his back AND his knee are both bad. Though it was crazy expensive, it meant more to me that he know that I was paying attention to his needs and attentive to his obstacles. Those are the kind of gifts that I think I will give my immediate family again this year. Perhaps some shaving cream and a Mach 7 for Grandmom and some nametags for my Uncle’s rapidly developing moles.

But here is an idea for you. Trust me, it works, I just did it yesterday. You and a friend can play and give at the same time…and it is CHEAP! Set the buy in at $15. Yep $15. Go to a Wal-Mart, Rite-Aid, or Duane Reed together. Synchronize swatches and within 15 minutes shop for each other. Grab as many items as you want that you think will be great gifts for that person. Coloring books, band aids, hand sanitizer, a cheap DVD, anything you find is fair game as long as it is under $15.

Don’t let them see you shop and try not to stand in line together. When you get back home, go to separate corners of the room and wrap your gifts. Now, the next part is up to you. But remember, “Present” -ation is important. So I suggest you throw on some Christmas music and exchange your thoughtful gifts as though they were the most expensive gifts you have ever given or received!

Merry Christmas!!
George 2.0


Christmas Time is Here


“I tell ’em vamanos!”


The Making of: Avatar

Tonight I saw one of the most incredible movies I have ever seen. Visually and emotionally compelling, envelope pushing, technologically eons in front of anything that has ever been conceived cinematically. I am absolutely thrilled. I mean like THRILLED. When was the last time you saw a movie that thrilled you.

I must admit, I wasn’t as excited about this movie as I am about the one in the post below, but I kind of thought I’d catch it over the holidays. But this is a movie that you must see…and it is in 3D. Real 3D. Not the red and blue plastic glasses that you get when you go to Epcott Center to see Captain E.O. I am still wearing the glasses right now.

I am no movie spoiler so I won’t tell you anymore. All I will say is go see the movie. NOW.


The decade according to 9-year-olds Video

Shout out to

original description

more about “9-Year-Olds Remember The 2000s (VIDEO)”, posted with vodpod

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I'm watchin you watchin


Faux Toes on Flickr

The Vault

December 2009